Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Thing 20 of 23 Things

I watched a couple of the videos from YouTube. Some of them were really funny! I think adding the videos to library websites would really appeal to some people. I think they would need to be really short ones though. Otherwise no one may take the time to watch them. Some of the videos were really long and inappropiate.

Thing 19 of 23 Things

I explored It is a site that finds, reviews and talks about what is good and bad in cities all over the country. I learned quite alot about Annapolis, MD.

It looked like there were alot of interesting sites listed in the Web 2.0 awards. I think some of our patrons would be interested in exploring some of these sites.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Thing 18 of 23 Things

I played around with Zoho Writer. I think it will be a very useful tool for making signs about events in our library.

Thing 17 of 23 Things

I added my blog and created a new page about my favorite thing. Rug Hooking!! It was very easy to do!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Thing 16 of 23 Things

I have occasional used Wikipedia at work. I use it as a quick reference and a jump start to a topic. I always check with another source.

I think wiki is a great way for librarians to share information or as a Reader's Advisory . It certainly is easy to use. The site would need to be monitored frequently to make sure appropriate and reliable information is being added.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thing 15 of 23 Things

I read the five perspectives on Library 2.0. I agreed with Dr. Wendy Schultz. I hope that there will always be a place in our communities for libraries with books and librarians. Why can't we have the library "come to us" and be able to go to the library?

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Thing 14 of 23 Things

I did a search for Learning 2.0 in Technorati. I found 27,610 blog posts. In the tag search, I found both blogs and visual media. In the blog directory, I found 527 messages.

I think that people who do alot of blogging are into gadets, technology, and Johanna Cardona.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Thing 13 of 23 Things

I wasn't able to access the 12 minute Delicious tutorial or at my work computer. So it took awhile for me to understand what Delicious is all about. I found a blog that was very helpful. I can see that tagging could be very useful. I searched for rug hooking and found 118 sites that were saved. If I were an internet junky it would be great to take all my favorite websites to any computer that I was using.